Sep 28, 2008

Kenna Cat Bup (Episode 1)

"O0OO0O0O0": that is what Kewin (Also known as Kenna Cat Bup or Kennte: pronounced KENT) says the first thing every morning. She believes it is good luck. But one morning she forgot to say it. This is the story of what happened then:
"Kennte, your science project is due today," Kennte's mother was calling from the kitchen. This made Kennte unhappy, because her science project (seeing how fast mini plants could grow as opposed to larger ones) wasn't even finished.
"Mom, I need a full ten days!" Kennte called back sleepily, only to hear her mother saying,"Well, anyway, you need to get dressed and come downstairs." And it was getting hard to resist: the smell of French toast drifting up from the kitchen was so good it was getting hard to disobey.
Kennte pulled on her second-favorite leggings with a cute cat dress. Maybe it'll make me feel better, she thought as she wobble-walked downstairs for breakfast.
When she got downstairs, Kennte immediately wished she hadn't. Her big sister, Leanne, was at the table too.
"Hurry up, you two," Kennte's mom (call her Vanessa) called from the stove. She was mixing something that Kennte couldn't see in a pot and was turning a knob on the stove at the same time. But if Kennte knew what was in the pot or not, it didn't matter in a minute because Vanessa told them the answer to that question.
Now we will skip ahead a while, and come to the part of Kennte's terrible but highly interesting day where there was a spelling test. That was the only part of the day where Kennte felt completely normal. She felt she had done very badly, but that was the same feeling she had had after all the spelling tests she had ever taken.
"Oh, if my day had gone better, I would feel so much happier," Kennte moaned to her friend at recess. But her friend just patted her back comfortingly and said, "Never mind how you feel. Let's go play a game of hopscotch."
Amazingly, though, hopscotch made Kennte feel aa little better, like her day was not going as badly as it was. And by the time she got home, Kennte felt great!
"I guess it was what I said that did the trick," Kennte told her friend later. And amazingly enough, she was right.

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