Oct 3, 2010

Mikael's Umbrella: Chapter 6--Mishmash Chapter!!!!!!!!!!

It was time.
The pool had opened, and Mikael saw something at the bottom. The bell dinged and the swimmers at the deep end, poised to dive, dived. Mikael was one of them. Luckily he'd brought his goggles. He dived down, down, until the water went dark and he should have been out of air. But his excitement at the prospect of the new object drew fresh oxygen into his lungs. The goggles, diving goggles (Mikael scuba dived on vacation), had a light feature. Mikael flicked it on.
There it was. It was a clunky flat disk, clunky in the way of an old laptop. Mikael picked it up, and red and blue lights started flashing along the edge.
* * *
She landed. She had little time.
She dug into the roots of the Mother Tree. There it was. She held it up and pressed a button.
A gash opened on the Mother Tree, as if an incredibly sharp ax had cut into it. The gash grew until it was a hole wide enough to fit an adult. As the late afternoon light touched it, she saw a familiar passageway beyond. A shape was coming up the passageway. 
An automatized voice said, "Agent 013-949-409 is now leaving."
"Hello, Mr. Leiber," said Kallia.
* * *
A bottle appeared. Mariah took it. "Thanks," she said.
The man snapped his fingers and he and the bones disappeared. Then a voice came from the ceiling: "DO NOT INSULT BELLATAE THE GREAT."
* * *
Mikael's father was at work. He had quite a high-level position. He decided to take a bathroom break. As he wiped his hands on a hotel bunch of towels tied neatly in a pink ribbon when a voice said, "WHAT IS THE CODE?"
I ask you, readers, WHAT IS THE CODE???????????

1 comment:

Nibor said...

I have NO IDEA what the code is, but I am so intrigued. I'm wondering how all the threads will fit together (assuming that they will, somehow) and what the code will be.