"What in the world," said Corinne Packel. She was sitting on her bed, in the dark, with Kenna and Nory beside her. They were looking over the edge, onto the trundle bed, where Jesse was lying, tangled, in a pile of blankets. He was still active: Writhing all around in such a way that you'd think he'd hit his head on something, but he never did.
"Jesse, stop that and get some sleep," said Nory seriously. For once, Jesse lay still, covering himself with the knotted blanket as best as he could. The pillow had flown off the edge when he was still in motion, so he didn't use that. But Corinne wasn't fooled. "Jesssssssse," she warned.
"Sleepyhead," Jesse mumbled. Then: "Helpi'msleepingwanttohearideawhatisitwanttohearsecrethelpme."
"Nonsense," grumbled Kenna. She leaned down to the lower level of the trundle bed and slapped Jesse on the back. "See? You're awake. Now close your eyes and go to sleep." She sat back up proudly.
"Like Jesse would ever listen," Corinne grumbled to Nory. Nory whispered something to Kenna, who slumped down. "The meeting's started," she said, without much enthusiasum.
"Kenna and I found something," Nory announced. She grabbed something--in the dim light, no one could see it, they just heard crinkling noises. A flashlight was turned on--by Kenna, no doubt--and bright light illuminated the wrinkled paper. Corinne scanned it, looking for key words like she'd been taught to in second--or was it third?--grade. "Does it mean what I think it means? she asked.
"Yes," Nory said. "We're going to camp."
"Like Jesse would ever listen," Corinne grumbled to Nory. Nory whispered something to Kenna, who slumped down. "The meeting's started," she said, without much enthusiasum.
"Kenna and I found something," Nory announced. She grabbed something--in the dim light, no one could see it, they just heard crinkling noises. A flashlight was turned on--by Kenna, no doubt--and bright light illuminated the wrinkled paper. Corinne scanned it, looking for key words like she'd been taught to in second--or was it third?--grade. "Does it mean what I think it means? she asked.
"Yes," Nory said. "We're going to camp."
You have some serious skills, girl! Keep it up :D
Nory: Outstanding, as far as it goes. You left me hanging on the edge of my chair wanting more.
Love, Jumpin' Jehosephat (a/k/a Pop-pop - as if you didn't know)
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