Mar 31, 2009


And then we saw it.
“It” was a piece of paper, folded in two like a card. The front displayed an old math worksheet. But the other side? I was curious to find out.
“Let’s read it,” Rhia said, bending down to pick it up. She read it, her eyes darting so quickly from left to right they appeared to be black slits in her face. Then she handed it to me.

I am hidden. Come to find me. Bring a long, sharp thing.
I will give you one clue:

Your Friend,

I recognized Shila’s handwriting almost instantly. But I also recognized the special symbol Shila had chosen about a year ago. I had chosen one too: . If I remember correctly, we made lots of stickers showing our symbols. Maybe the symbol on the letter was a sticker.
“Press the PRESS,” Rhia reminded me.
I did, and at once sound rose up from the letter. It sounded like a song I had heard in Dance, but with the words removed. “What’s the clue?” I asked Rhia.
“I don’t know. That’s a new song to me. What’s the name of the song?”
Suddenly, I knew it. “Rhia, go get the Award-Winning Pencil and come right back. Fast! “

--- Excerpt from “Baby School” by Nory Klop- Packel
Copyright 3/24/09
Note: Sorry about the blank spots. They include things that I cannot type on a computer.


E.C.J. said...

I am eager to hear more of this story!

Nory said...

If I ever get it published as an actual book, you will...

E.C.J. said...

I will what?Illustrate?That'd be hard!Have you gotten a note being invited? If you have,write!

E.C.J. said...

Nory,next time you look on Diomand Daily,POST something,PLEASE!You7 NEED to!

Corinne said...

I have left comments but I don't see them. I love your stories and am looking forward to Chapter 3 of Corinne's biography.
Love you-